Daily Market Insight - June 19, 2020
Securitized Products
Midday Market Observations
  • FRM: Minimal activity as we head into the weekend
  • ARM: Light activity with a mix of mostly smaller prime and alt-a hybrids out for bid.
  • CMBS: Spreads remain unchanged.
            BWIC volume is light with the total of $    77,522,000.00 /$75,167,374.23  (orig//curr). Todays list consists of a mixed bag of securities:
            MIXED TYPE FLOATERS $ 33,037,000
            CONDUIT AAAs / DEFEASED / KFRED B $ 39,585,000
            $4+MM 2013 FIXED RATE KFRED B; K27

  • ABS & Home HEQ:
  • HEQ: BWIC volume lower today, with ~ $31.4mm CF out for bid, consisting primarily of Non-Performing/Reperforming collateral.
            Of note: SURF 06-AB2 A1 ~ 26.2mmCF
Agency / GSE Mortgage Pass-thrus
Non-Agency CMO
Consumer ABS and CMBS

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*Trading Volume Source: FINRA® TRACE® 

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